Thursday, December 9, 2010

A very Funny

[4:01:57 PM] amanda dubay: It just wasn't funny.
[4:02:24 PM] Taylor Kasper: okay whatever you say babe
[4:02:54 PM] amanda dubay: Seriously Taylor. You're jokes are lame. They always have been. I just laugh to make you feel better.
[4:03:38 PM] Taylor Kasper: lol and your jokes are weak
[4:03:44 PM] Taylor Kasper: you are never funny
[4:06:15 PM] amanda dubay: Okay, just because you are hurting inside from hearing what I just told you, I will let you say this. I know you don't mean it and are just lashing out because you are jealous that when it comes to jokes and being funny I am so much better at it. As a male you feel as though you should be better at most things and the fact that I am funnier makes you feel incompetent. So I will be the better person and let you say what you want if that really makes you feel better.
[4:06:47 PM] Taylor Kasper: hilarious baby
[4:07:32 PM] Taylor Kasper: not really, I feel like you want to be the funny one to be able to say that you bring humor to the relationship, if it weren't for me I don't think we would laugh
[4:08:32 PM] amanda dubay: You only wish Taylor. I bring the light to this relationship. If I didn't dearly love to laugh...we would be in trouble
[4:09:15 PM] Taylor Kasper: you only love to laugh because I make you laugh so much. you just don't want admit it because you don't want me to think I have that power over you
[4:11:24 PM] Taylor Kasper: i know I just enhanced it to where you could not bear it anymore
[4:12:52 PM] amanda dubay: That does not make any sense. You really need to work on your sense of language and the way that you use you're words to convey your message.
[4:17:04 PM] Taylor Kasper: you need to work on your agrumentative skills. This is a nonsequitor argument due to your lack of adequate connecting words to create a flowing argument
[4:19:05 PM] amanda dubay: You think that using big words makes you sound smart. You only use them at times like these. This means that you are obviously not confident in your true abilites and need to pretend to be something you are not, such as a person with intelligence and a big vocabulary.
[4:20:55 PM] Taylor Kasper: Your continued attempt to degrade me is an obvious sign of some internal feeling of inadequacy. One who talks down on others is not satisfied with themselves and lack the confidence to confront their own fears
[4:24:22 PM] amanda dubay: If your opinion of a 'continued attempt' to degrade you consists of something as small and as simple as me telling you that your jokes are not funny, which I believe is the basis of this whole arguement, than your self confidence is not as high as what you make others think. If something that small gets you this upset where you have to start downplaying me then you have a problem that needs to be dealt with. This is not healthy. Not healthy for you and it certainly is not healthy for this relationship.
[4:28:46 PM] Taylor Kasper: This relationship has been built around the talents of both us together neither of us are perfect and have many things that we can work on. Together these weaknesses are negated by the others strengths. It is this power that drives true love. If you feel that my humor is not to the best ability and neither is yours than something else in our relationship must offset that because when we are together I can do nothing but smile and feel good about the relationship that we have
So this wasn't a real argument..this was just goofying around on skype im when we should have been doing homework. I feel like this blog has been dark and gloomy for too long and needed a little pick me up :P


  1. I love you baby, good to see something happy on here today. I am funny though you just won't admit it

  2. You both crack me up!
    Amanda I hear your crazy giggle. ;)
