Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Date a girl...

Date a girl who reads. A girl who reads has imagination and passion. Date a girl who would rather spend money on books than a new pair of shoes. Whose room is filled with bookselves bought a garage sales, fixed up and painted to fit her style; books overflowing the shelves and closet because she has too many, except to her she doesn't have enough. Date a girl who keeps a list of all the books she's read and all the books she would one day like to read. She's the one that will always be carrying around an unread book looking for a chance to pull it how and get a few more pages in. She's the girl taht can sit down and read and whole series in less than a week, who could just sit in a book store for hours upon hours. She can't walk through a garage sale, or any store for that matter, without picking out a book or two to add to her ever-growing collection. Date a girl who reads. It's easy. Give her books. Give her books and give her words. Show that you understand, that you knwo words are love. Girls who read undestand people. They can easily relate to many people, just as they do with the characters in their books. Date a girl who reads because she brings color and imagination into the world. Date a girl who reads, because she is real.

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